The Pineal Gland — the Sixth Sense organ

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The Sixth Sense Activation Sequence – GROUNDBREAKING New Book in 2013! by Steve Meyer

image800px-dna_methylation.jpgThe Sixth Sense Activation Sequence – New GROUNDBREAKING Book in 2013!

The Sixth Sense leads to Enlightenment DNA Healing Code – Hardwired in ALL Humans

As an example of what I mean by “Groundbreaking” info that can be found in the 2013 release of my new book ….. There is a sequence required to communicate with Infinite Intelligence – to gain insight and/or much more complicated yet achievable, HolisticDNA Energy Healing. The sequence is on multiple levels, not just “step by step” like an instruction manual for assembling a piece of furniture. The “Key” sequence has to do with applying known facts, beliefs, and faith (not religious) – if not applied exactly as detailed, the Sixth Sense will remain dormant, and not be “activated”. As an example: fact — fact — fact — belief — fact — in theory — belief — fact — belief — Faith — fact — fact — fact — Faith you won’t find this in any existing text, which is why The Sixth Sense is so rarely utilized and hard to confirm. This will allow the Scientific Community to experiment and confirm my claims —

remember, just a few decades ago, it was impossible to have a Man walk on the moon. Time for the next impossible to be challenged and confirmed — real Steve Meyer HolisticDNA The Sixth Sense – New GROUNDBREAKING Book in 2012! The Sixth Sense leads to Enlightenment DNA Healing Code – Hardwired in ALL Humans As an example of what I mean by “Groundbreaking” info that can be found in the 2012 release of my new book on The Sixth Sense (not yet titled )….. There is a sequence required to communicate with Infinite Intelligence – to gain insight and/or much more complicated yet achievable, HolisticDNA Energy Healing. The sequence is on multiple levels, not just “step by step” like an instruction manual for assembling a piece of furniture. The “Key” sequence has to do with applying known facts, beliefs, and faith (not religious) – if not applied exactly as detailed, the Sixth Sense will remain dormant, and not be “activated”. As an example: fact — fact — fact — belief — fact — in theory — belief — fact — belief — Faith — fact — fact — fact — Faith you won’t find this in any existing text, which is why The Sixth Sense is so rarely utilized and hard to confirm.

This will allow the Scientific Community to experiment and confirm my claims — remember, just a few decades ago, it was impossible to have a Man walk on the moon. Time for the next impossible to be challenged and confirmed — real Steve Meyer HolisticDNA

My “enlightenment” – communicating with Infinite Intelligence (Higgs Boson) / achieving HolisticDNA Energy Healing

"The Blue Marble" is a famous photog...

Image via Wikipedia

  Originally I simply seeked alternative options when “traditional” depression and anxiety treatments did not help. At the time, I had 1 goal in mind, and 1 only:

1.  to feel better


 Here is what I actually gained as a result of my successful “experience/enlightenment”:

  1. I do feel better- 100% , and have every second since  my “instant healing”.  It is PERMANENT
  2. I now KNOW that there is a “force”, “power”, “limitless” energy source in the Universe that can be intentionally “tapped” into. The Sixth Sense!
  3. I have the blueprint to make this “connection” over and over again — a step by step mile high virtual ladder, that leads to an UNIMAGINABLE, UNEARTHLY plateau…
  4. My purpose in life has now surfaced – after 45 years on this Earth – to help others feel better / heal their pain
  5. I have gained a rare and valuable skill … one that few will ever know or even believe exists …. a template for systematically and repeatedly reaching “Infinite Intelligence”,  ( God to most people  ), and achieving Theta Healing ( a Miracle to most people )
  6. I am finally at peace with myself and place in the Universe – we are now as one
  7. I have replaced alcohol, prescriptions drugs and silent suffering with a healthy mind, body and spirit.


 Although I do not believe in “God”, Divine Intervention, or Miracles, I do summarize my experience with a religious based saying that virtually anyone can relate to, and put this in perspective:

“My mind has been touched and healed by the finger of God”

Steve Meyer / HEALER

लेखक डैन ब्राउन स्टीव meyer संत anthonys चर्च पिता mollinger   — Book and Motion Picture Coming Soon       “Real Time Supernatural Internet Creation”  AKA “The Creation” Project

 Presently “a work in progress” – A Collaborative Creation by Steve Meyer and Infinite Intelligence.The internet and people from around the world are helping shape the story line as you read this –and you are now part of the Creation because you are reading this . 
 Real time activity online and offline ( like the St. Anthony’s Church 780 year old Relic theft ) are helping create and alter this Supernatural Mystery Thriller, with internet input suggestions flowing directly from Infinite Intelligence into Steve Meyer’s (my ) subconscious mind, and then to my conscious mind where the Creation’s requested  “next step” is followed – (internet based input thru various channels and venues). Put more simply, information / Creativity is flowing from Infinite Intelligence to me, and then from me to the Internet. 
Actions in “the real world” can get (for lack of a better term) “sucked” into ths unfolding story , or they can be intentioanlly performed to become part of the story — I have no idea how it will end – at least not yet. 
The “connection” between Infinite Intelligence and me has been constant and intense – since my 02/07/11 contact was successfuly achieved — this opened a doorway in my subconscious mind, and the door is still open……I will do everything I can think of to maintain this mental state / ability. The experience has been nothing short of a “miralce” – which I don’t believe in as I am not religious at all, so lets just call it a Quantum Physics Earthly Event …. sounds much more Science based –  my comfort level with all of this…..
In the movies “Limitless” (Bradley Cooper), “Contact” (Jodi Foster),  “Stargate” (James Spader) and “Chain Reaction” (Keanu Reeves)… the plots were based on intentionally, scientifically, and systematically searching for an extremely tough to locate, exact combination / sequence / frequency, that  when  reached, would open a doorway “to another world” — Science Fiction Motion Pictures – yet this can be, and in my case WAS, accomplished “in the real world”……


‘Infinite Intelligence’ POWER “tapped” into – achieved HolisticDNA Energy Healing on 02/07/11 (medical “Miracle”) — Steve Meyer

Opened light switch, with explanations

Image via Wikipedia

 (click link below)
“took 5 seconds / I was awake and felt layer by layer of beliefs change, which one by one, removed doubts and ability to resolve issues and so on and so on, and at the end of this change in my mind eliminating negative responses to all of my life events which led to my depression, there was a moment of calm, and then I felt all at once, my mind analyze what just happened, and like a light switch turning on, I felt my confidence come back, a feeling that i had not felt for many, many years”
Steve Meyer
click on Link for more info:  
Steve Meyer
Subconscious Mind Consultant / HEALER
Infinite Intelligence reached! / HolisticDNA Healing achieved! The Sixth Sense used successfully.
medical “miracle” 02/07/11
Creator of “The Stairway to Heaven Manuscript”
लेखक डैन ब्राउन स्टीव meyer संत anthonys चर्च पिता

YOU can heal your depression by "tapping" into YOUR subconscious mind! – I will show you how! – Steve Meyer


(click link):

>99.9+% of humans use no more than 5% – 10% of their mind. The other 90% has UNIMAGINABLE possibilities – IF only you had instructions that would teach you how to access it! — not maybe, but DEFINITELY
Now you do….as I have successfully done this myself, and now have a written blueprint that can be used to help others in the same way.  

*below pic- CLICK TO ENLARGEThe 10 page “Stairway to Heaven Manuscript” — extremely detailed step by step instructions SUCCESSFULLY used to help me communicate with Infinite Intelligence ( God ), and achieve instant HolisticDNA Healing (medical “miracle”) – the Sixth Sense successfully used.


 This very rare but repeatable accomplishment was reached by “tapping” into the power of Infinite Intelligence to achieve HolisticDNA Healing

MY WEBSITE: (click on link)

Just imagine if you had the most advanced, most expensive, high capacity personal computer ever built — and all you did was view the background, screen saver, and used email — that is the equivalent of what you and I are doing when we only use the 5%-10% (conscious) portion of our owns minds!

I HAVE ACCESSED (by design) THE OTHER 90% (subconscious) OF MY MIND – TO INSTANTLY HEAL MY OWN DEPRESSION…..  Not a movie / not a Motivational Speaker “how to” book — I did it! The experience was UNIMAGINABLE and hard to believe — virtually anyone would say it was the work of God or a miracle, but like Jodi Foster in the movie Contact, I searched and finally found a scientific / logical explanation ( see my website below for more on what “happened” to me ). I had tapped the Fort Knox of human brain power possibilities, and have the key in my hand right now to share with you.

(case holding “The Stairway to Heaven Manuscript” – presently in a ‘secure location’.  Step by step instructions used to accomplish this EXTREMELY rare and EXTREMELY desirable spiritual and medical “miracle”)

click on pic above pic to enlarge

Now I can use this knowledge and skill to help others get relief from their (your) silent agony—the silver lining to my search for a personal instant healing option.

To read  part of my TRUE STORY  – please see my website — link below. Also referred to as ‘Infinite Intelligence’, or in this caseTheta Healing’Discover the most powerful Super Computer on Earthwhich is located right between your own earsyour subconscious mind.! (basis of the motion picture Limitless, starring Bradley Cooper)

Click link for more info:



    लेखक डैन ब्राउन स्टीव meyer संत anthonys चर्च पिता