‘Infinite Intelligence’ POWER “tapped” into – achieved HolisticDNA Energy Healing on 02/07/11 (medical “Miracle”) — Steve Meyer

Opened light switch, with explanations

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 (click link below)
“took 5 seconds / I was awake and felt layer by layer of beliefs change, which one by one, removed doubts and ability to resolve issues and so on and so on, and at the end of this change in my mind eliminating negative responses to all of my life events which led to my depression, there was a moment of calm, and then I felt all at once, my mind analyze what just happened, and like a light switch turning on, I felt my confidence come back, a feeling that i had not felt for many, many years”
Steve Meyer
click on Link for more info:  
Steve Meyer
Subconscious Mind Consultant / HEALER
Infinite Intelligence reached! / HolisticDNA Healing achieved! The Sixth Sense used successfully.
medical “miracle” 02/07/11
Creator of “The Stairway to Heaven Manuscript”
लेखक डैन ब्राउन स्टीव meyer संत anthonys चर्च पिता

2 thoughts on “‘Infinite Intelligence’ POWER “tapped” into – achieved HolisticDNA Energy Healing on 02/07/11 (medical “Miracle”) — Steve Meyer

  1. “…there is a power, or First Cause, or an Intelligence, which permeates every atom of matter, and embraces every unit of energy perceptible to man — that this Infinite Intelligence converts acorns into oak trees, causes water to flow downhill in response to the law of gravity, follows night with day, and winter with summer, each maintaining its proper place and relationship to the other.”
    Napoleon Hill – 1937

  2. #Holisticdna, #infiniteintelligence, #thesixthsense, #sixthsense, #energyhealing, #lawofattraction, #holistichealth, #higgsboson, #newthought, #newthoughtmovement, #quantumphysics, #energyhealer, #particlephysics, #wellness, #thinkandgrowrich, #beliefs, #faith, #stephenhawking, #napoleonhill, #thesecret, #positivethinking, #CERN, @holisticdna, #intelligentdesign, #subconsciousmind, #dnahealing, #dnaactivation, #holistic, #pinealgland, #dnahealingcode, #healingcode

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